Tuesday, September 5

Star Wars Hairstyle Kujichagulia (pt 2)

All the just-emancipated Star Wars Hairstyles immediately affirmed that Princess Leia Hairstyle is the leader, which you should already know why but I remind you anyway below (scroll a little).
Janet Jackson - Control (screwed)

It was natural that, following head-and-body-detachment, the Star Wars Hairstyles would socialize according to a strict Hairstyle Heirarchy, and that the Hierarchy would be topped by Princess Leia Hairstyle. After all, hers was the most interesting and orderly hairstyle of the entire system.
Actually though, calling it a heirarchy implies that there might've been important gradations of power & influence among the non-Leia Star Wars Hairstyles when really, the only ones that would've cared would be the slovenly little-bitch hairstyles like Luke Skywalker Hairstyle (about whom more in a post or 2). So really, let's call it what it is, actually: Princess Leia Hairstyle Gynarchy.



Traxamillion ft the Pack - Club Stuntin'
Cluster - Rote Riki
Flower Travellin' Band - Look at my window
Kuni Kawachi & Flower Travellin' Band - To your world
(these FTB tracks (former & latter) brought to you c/o COFWR&R)

Don't you remember? You want to challenge her secret mnemonic hairstyle memory stunts? Good luck, pal. Go ahead and ommatidiate your browser with optimally-packed tabbed browser windows; catalog & map each window in a memory-enhancing method of loci for your mind. Even if you develop the greatest computer-assisted memory strategy, neither you nor any unscalped Star Wars Hairstyles can compete with her hairstyle hysteresis memory capacity. Why is Princess Leia Hairstyle the leader? Simply put, she remembers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm trying to figure out where the pyramids fit into all this. the ones from space. she could see them and so could we. but if she is looking into herself and (therefore) has no eyes? I'm not sure what the ancient Egyptians would have to say. The ears, together, form a kind of heart with a hole in it.

1:30 AM  

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