Monday, October 31

Dipset Detox with Michael McDonald at Epcot Center (pt 58)

Michael McDonald hateit hateithas turned this fight all the way around. After repeated rounds of repetition, his fists became poly-palindromic crystals faceted by pictures hateit of his own face.

Ghostface & Babyface - Face 2 Face

hateitSince these pictures are all pictures of his (Michael McDonald's) face, they have a lot in common - they look alike, they dress alike, similar musical tastes, similar slang, etc. They get along so harmoniously, it's only natural that they would form a secret Google Group . hateit

Look at all those pictures of Michael McDonald's face, all mingling with one another so cozily. Their togetherness is crazy! Can you imagine how much fun they must be having? You can't!

To an outsider like that guy (or for that matter anybody else who is not a picture of Michael McDonald's face), such a cohesive social group inspires the most debilitating envy! Since the group only allows replicas of Michael McDonald's face, the group is highly exclusive.

Ghostface & Scarface - Face Off

I mean, you can try to listen to what the Michael McDonald's faces are saying to each other, but it won't do you any good!

When you listen tothe secret poly-palindromic Google Group face fist, what they're saying just sounds like audio to you -- like frequencies or whatever. But to them the sounds they make hold all kinds of intentions and feelings, which only pictures of Michael McDonald's face can share, and which are opaque the outsider, and that means you. You don't get it! You are totally missing out! So am I!! I'm getting jealous just writing about it!

That guy is so jealous he's falling apart and he feels small! Him and his rotatory rainbow Tolstoy face fisthateit

I shouldn't have doubted Michael McDonald -- he took this beef with flying colors! hateit
Michel Waisvisz - Levitation of Cow


Whoa! That guy felt so left out that he melted! He's a stream now! And now down the stream rides a boatman, straight toward us!


"Oh No! Is that the grim reaper? I don't wanna see the grim reaper! I don't wanna die! I can't die! 64 sites link to my blog now. What will happen to those links if I die? And what about all the other websites which don't link to my blog, but will?"
Mac Mall - Don't wanna see me

"Relax, buddy. That's not the grim reaper! That's the boat that takes us to the imagineers! We'll get em now!"


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