Friday, December 22

Star Wars Hairstyle Kujichagulia (pt 12)


“Look Lukz Skywalkerz Hairstylz, I’m not blaming you.

Vybz Kartel - Hair Style

You just don’t understand hairstyle kujichagulia: we hairstyles can absorb with our hairstyles. Accept yourself, a hairstyle agent in the Star Wars Hairstyle Agency. Why would you want muscularity force or the jedi force when those or any other forces or powers can be so easily negated by your own natural absorbency? Myomimetic calisthenics and flexdowns are just fantasies, and even without muscles' absence, they'd be no match for the realities of our absorbtion."

I have no idea what P. L. Hairstyle is taliking about. Plus, even though she says she doesn't blame L.S. Hairstyle for his muscle dreams, she's being so passive aggressive and obstruse that I'm really starting to question her leadership skills. But I'm just an observer.

Z-ro - One deep
Ennio Morricone - Deep down (Main Title)
Ennio Morricone - Deep down (Christy)
Ennio Morricone - Emerald Bikini (Deep Down 4)
Ennio Morricone - The Pyrite Wink (Deep Down 5)
Ennio Morricone - Deep down (Alternate version)

"When we Star Wars Hairstyles claimed ourself-determination, we cut away all our redundancies, to effectively harness the depth of the surfaces of our hairstyles and create a great absorbency. And of course, of all Star Wars hairstyles, none is more deeply surfaced than me, Princess Leia Hairstyle! Even so, I'm not letting it make me complacent. No. We're still working to chop our hairstyles into increasingly littler and still tinier pieces and then sticking them back together to get an even deeper surface, one absorbent enough to suck up the whole internet!"

Monday, December 11

Star Wars Hairstyle Kujichagulia (pt 11)

"Muscles. Muscles. Mah Cells Mah Cells. Mas L's
Mas L's. Micelles Muscelz.
Weezy Ft Juelz - Throw some deez

Luke Skywalker Hairstyle wants to believe.
"I want to believe it that I can make it work as an idiocentric hairstyle. I've looked inside myself, all over what ever my insides are, andI don't know what's inside my hairstyle, but I looked, I looked everywhere. I can look but all I can see inside my hairstyle,

everywhere I look

All I can see is how much I would love to have my muscles in my life. Just to wake up early, and work out my muscles. I can't sleep without my muscles. I would eat right , and sometimes flex my muscles.

"Really, without muscelz, what's the point of trying? A hairstyle can't do anything independently. Maybe if you stuck me on the end of a stick I could be useful for soaking up the sweat up off the floor, but even that I don't think I would be good at.

The Mops - I am just a mops

Princess Leia Hairstyle finally responds: "Actually, that's where you're wrong. Our absorbency can be quite considerable."